Micro-ID launches new Pet Database "MicroChip Central"
We are delighted to be launching a brand new kind of database compliant with the founder of Wowcher, Nick Brummitt's and his company, DogTrac.
Our databse is compliant with all regulations governing the compulsory microchipping of dogs in England and Wales. Linked to all the major existing pet databases, Microchip Central offers a far more efficient way for pet owners to get their pet back fast if it gets lost or strays. MicroChip Central is a DEFRA compliant pet microchip database, offering:
- The only way that ordinary people can contact a pet owner quickly from just a pet's microchip number
- A network of 100's of scanners under the banner of ScanAngels are available , in some cases 24/7 to scan pets microchips free, see: www.scanangel.com
- A lifetime profile on the 'MicroChip Central' database and website
- Lifetime access to the owners MicroChip Central account where they can change and update their details,
address and contact numbers - Exact contact details (not address) immediately visible to the finder of a pet should it ever get lost
- Lost pet alert – Instant 'lost pet' notifications sent to the local Pet Watch community
- Instant owner SMS and email alert if their pets microchip is searched
- Geo-location – pinpoints exactly where the pet has been found
- VetLine free for a year
- Multiple pet records in one place
- Ability to upload a photo
- Lifetime Microchip warranty
- Instant online registration, instant protection
Micro-ID has combined the MicroChip Central database with its unique International Standard Mini-Chip to offer implanters and vets a really fully compliant database service with added functionality for Breeders and implanters:
- Instant online registration and downloadable registration certificate
- Fast and secure online dog transfer to new keeper, without the need to fill in forms
- MicroChip Registration History – See a record of all Microchips implanted and a list of all unused microchips
- Free inward transfers of pets to welfare and re-homing organisations
When a microchip number is searched at MicroChip Central, two things happen:
1. The dog's online profile is displayed to enable the finder to call and email the
owner. Addresses are never shown
2. Owner gets an instant SMS and email alert and a link to a map pinpointing
exactly where their dog's microchip was searched
See an example of how this works. Go to www.microchipcentral.com Click on 'Found a dog' at the top of the page and use microchip number